Jennie’s highest priority is to provide quality care in a secure, loving atmosphere that is developmentally appropriate for infants, toddlers, preschoolers,

         kindergarteners and school age children.  She believes that caring for infants and toddlers requires special skills over caring for older children, an infant’s needs

         are immediate.  Jennie is trained to identify not only when a baby is hungry, wet, or tired, but also when s/he needs cuddling, a breath of fresh air, a quiet space,

         or relief from boredom.  Jennie believes that an infant needs individualized care.  Therefore, she not only welcomes but requires suggestions and special requests

         from parents.  She understands that you are entrusting the most precious person in the world to her.




         Winifred’s accepts infants, toddlers and preschoolers ages three months through four years old.

         An interview and tour of my home will be completed prior to your child being accepted into care. 

         Each child must have a current health certificate signed by a physician, must be up to date on all immunizations,

         and must have the annual flu vaccine by October 15th of each year. 

         Parents must fill out Winifred’s admission record including emergency information and a medication form.

         An authorization form for emergency medical care and for transportation must be completed and a

         contract about Winifred’s fiscal policies must be completed and signed.




         When a parent is making arrangements for his or her child to attend Winifred’s on a long-term basis, several forms must be filled out before the time of entrance,

         including working out a minimum attendance schedule.  All immunizations must be up to date at the time of admission for your child to attend Winifred's and the

         flu vaccine must be taken by October 15th of each year.  My own children are fully immunized.  Wini's does not accept children who are not fully immunized.

         Before child care begins two health forms must be returned to Winifred’s to become part of your child’s records.  Plan on making a doctor's appointment ahead

         of time to complete these procedures.


         There will be a two week trial period during which Jennie and the parent will have the option to terminate child care for any reason.  After the two week period,

         or any time within that period, the parent and Jennie will have an informal conference to finalize long-term agreements and to discuss any issue concerning the

         child’s well being.




         If space is available, short-term clients are welcome.  When parents drop off their children a medical release must be filled out and

         some general information obtained before the parents leave.  Plan on spending an extra few minutes at the beginning of your child’s stay.

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